The result of treatment primarily depends on the timely diagnosis. At the first symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor to select the appropriate treatment for a particular case.
Local treatment against nail fungus is mandatory, often additional drugs of general action are prescribed.
When treating a fungus, a doctor prescribes various local treatments. Ointments, gels, plasters, varnishes, creams are used. A good effect in the fight against the disease is obtained if you use drops from the fungus of the toenails. The method is convenient for a number of practical reasons:
- Convenience of exact drawing on the damaged surface;
- If necessary, it is possible to achieve the required dosage.
Despite the obvious advantages of the method, modern pharmacy offers a small selection of drugs from this group.

Features of the use of drops
More often, the use of a single local method is in demand at the initial stages of the development of the disease or as a preventive measure. For this reason, if the first symptoms of onychomycosis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice and the correct selection of treatment.
Enough of the use of drugs presented in the form of gels, ointments. Drops against the fungus show a positive result.
At the advanced stage, an integrated approach is already being used. Treatment is represented by external and internal administration of medications. If a complex method is chosen for treatment, the principle is as follows:
- Capsules and tablets act on the infection through the blood and tissues;
- Drops and other external agents kill spores when applied to the damaged, pre-cleaned area of \u200b\u200bthe nails.
Most of the drugs presented in drops, according to the instructions, require cleaning the keratinized surface of the toenails before applying. Drops are also sold that are used against the fungus and without removing the keratinized nail plate.

Operating principle
More often, drops prescribed against a fungus perform the described functions:
- Influence of fungicidal character. Drops directly destroy the spores of the fungus, infected cells on the surface of the nails.
- Fungistatic effect, is to stop the spread of infection at the intercellular level.
Modern anti-fungal drugs often have the described properties in combination. Such drops give good results during the fight against nail fungus.
The main condition for successful treatment is the correct choice of the drug. The composition of the drops differ from other active active ingredients, as well as auxiliary ones. It's hard to make a choice on your own. Of course, many people, buying drops and capsules without the advice of a doctor, get a satisfactory result, but sometimes the results of treatment are unforeseen and do not please the patient.
Only a dermatologist has the right to choose drops, tablets, capsules correctly, after conducting microbiological studies. The choice is influenced by many factors:
- Type of infection
- Stage of the disease;
- Individual tolerance of the substances that make up the drug;
- Taking additional medicines against the fungus;
- Other selected factors.
These features affect the content of drug reviews, especially if self-treatment was carried out, without visiting a dermatologist.
Modern antifungal drops perform a number of functions:
- Destruction of pathogens;
- Anti-inflammatory action;
- Antibacterial effect;
- They are restorative.
Remember, drops in a single use are unlikely to help during treatment if the disease has been in the body for a long period and has spread from the surface of the toenails throughout the body. In such cases, the doctor selects a comprehensive treatment, consisting not only of topical preparations.
Popular drugs
Most drops against the fungus involve preliminary preparation of the damaged surface of the toenails. It consists in the maximum sawing of the damaged surface of the nail plate with the removal of dead cells. When cutting, part of the nail cells already eaten by the fungus is removed. Only after the procedure, it is allowed to treat the nails with the use of medications. The result of treatment without treatment will not be achieved.
It is better to use any drops as prescribed by a dermatologist; it is problematic to establish the type of specific infection of the toenails on your own.
If the fungal infection has occurred in the toenails, spreading to the feet, it is more effective to use ointments or gels designed to treat large skin surfaces for quick treatment.
Contraindications to the use of drops
Like any medicine, drops against the fungus reveal a list of contraindications and side effects that cannot be ignored before use. It is important to read the instructions accompanying the selected drops before starting use, to study the consequences that threaten the body. As a side effect, when used, a slight slight itching appears, a serious allergic reaction can occur.
Among the main contraindications are:
- Pregnancy. Most drugs allow the use of drops for the treatment of pregnant women, especially in cases where the development of toenail fungus threatens the health of the mother and child.
- Age up to 12 years. The use of the drug in the form of drops for children is determined by the active substance, previous diseases, the presence of allergic reactions, and other factors.
- The presence on the skin of wounds, suppuration.
- drug intolerance.
Drops against the fungus have an extensive list of contraindications, you should not prescribe self-treatment. Upon consultation, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the type of drops, which will help to quickly carry out effective treatment, will not have a negative effect on the body.